Root canals: the systemic link, the potential risks, and dangers never discussed in traditional dental literature, root canal alternatives, and treatment for root-canal treated teeth.
Natural Smiles of Tampa Bay will empower you with life-saving knowledge on root canal realities. Understanding what a root canal is and the difference in medical views between conventional dentists and biological dentists. Whether the patient chooses a zirconia dental implant to replace to root canal or to follow a more conventional method such as, an extraction with L-PRF, and ozone gas. the goal is to educate the patient and help them make the healthiest decision for their health and wellbeing.
How is a Root Canal Infection Diagnosed? Yes, a 3D Dental Scan is also known as 3D conebeam is one of the only tools to see a root canal infection that is just starting or has been small and unable to be identified by a typical dental x-ray. X-rays ONLY show the coronal surface of the tooth (not the roots) and can’t identify issues with root canals. Periapical X-rays (“PAs”) are the same as an x-ray but show the roots of the tooth sometimes miss the apex of the tooth (tip of the tooth root where root canal infections typically begin) and secondly, can ONLY show a root canal infection after its been brewing for a LONG time and is massive in size (so much so that there is a large abscess or visual fistula and so much bone loss has occurred that the tooth is doomed AGAIN, after its initial death and pulp gutting). What about the root canals that are infected but aren’t the size required to been diagnosed by a conventional dentist without a CBCT scan or without the knowledge to interpret a 3D cone beam scan? What about the tooth that keeps hurting but your local dentist is telling you “it looks fine on the x-ray” and you don’t know what to do. The answer is: Take a 3D scan and find a knowledgeable practitioner who knows how to identify abnormal and infected root canals.