Natural Smiles
What Is Natural Dentistry?

Our mission is to educate every patient on their options when a tooth has an infection and when a tooth with an infected root canal is causing pain and/ or showing signs of infection.

First a thorough diagnosis and then discuss root canal alternatives. Additionally, many patients come to see Dr Litano with unexplained symptoms that are beyond dental, facial, or oral in origin. Sometimes symptoms are related to root canal systemic side effects that sadly, go unexplained by traditional allopathic doctors and conventional dentists. Often, root canal sites next to extracted wisdom tooth teeth maybe areas of cavitations also known as NICO or Fatty Degenerative Osteomyelitis of the Jawbone.

Principles of Holistic Dentistry: Teeth Affect Health

The fundamentals of holistic dentistry is the following:  Teeth are very much directly connected to every single cell, to every single organ in our body and therefore are intimately correlated to our bodily functions, organ systems, tissues and cellular health. Our biochemistry is easy to grasp but once we understand moves to large system organs like brain, skin, lungs, teeth, kidneys, vascular system we tend to forget that we are ONE SINGLE ORGANISM and everything is entirely interconnected and interdepend. Yes, we are creatures that have fluid, dynamic, and permeable biology, and alongside our somewhat known biochemistry (that which every doctor and holistic dentist studies) our teeth and organs also interact through the body’s lesser know superhighways, known as Energy Meridians. The energy meridians were first mapped and devised by Chinese medicine scholars over 5000 years ago. They are now commonly known as acupuncture meridians, acupressure points, and are commonly taught in Naturopathic Medical Schools and some Conventional Medical Schools around the country in the USA. Tooth Meridian Charts are used by other medical specialists beyond holistic dentists like including chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, functional MDs/DOs and energy medicine practitioners.

History of Tooth Organ Meridian Charts

The Chinese understood that energy flows, also known as “Qi” or “Chi” electrical flows within the body affect our health and wellbeing, and specifically, can upregulate or downregulate various organ systems. Much in the same way that arteries carry blood, meridians carry energy, often referred to as energy “chi” in eastern medicine. The energy flows in our bodies, also commonly known as “Energy Meridians” are also strong influencers of immune system health and are often studied by functional medical doctors and naturopathic physicians in individuals with autoimmune disorders or down-regulated immune responses. Over centuries of practice, The Chinese developed Traditional Chinese Medicine or “TCM” which allowed the doctors to determine various disturbances in the flow of Chi energy along the meridians which help physicians understand disease, illness and abnormalities within patterns of cellular organization and growth. While energy flows and energy meridians are invisible to the naked eye and practically imperceptible to all but the most trained medical practitioners like energy workers, kinesiology tester and holistic dentists, centuries ago the Chinese Traditional Medicine practitioners were able to diagnose patients by tracking this subtle energy as it flows through the pathways of the human body or our energy meridians.


Tooth Meridian Chart Use in Holistic Dentistry

-It’s important to understand that tooth body meridians are another assessment tool for you and your holistic dentist to use to better understand your systematic and oral issues. Other important elements are symptomatic evaluations, 3D CBCT Conebeam Scans, blood work, digital dental xrays, kinesiology and other adjunct tools.  When you visit us, your evaluation and diagnostics are the most critical element of your entire experience and always begins with an extensive health history review, patient discussion, oral symptomology and importantly, the 3D Conebeam CBCT Scan.

Some may become familiar with ART (Autonomic Response Testing) which Dr. Klinghart is the developer and trainer of such methods, which are akin to Kinesiology (muscle testing) and are considered more fringe albeit useful holistic tools to help diagnose and pinpoint a patient’s problem.  While the main tools of clinical dentistry are still the key methods of diagnosis, the tooth meridian chart is extremely helpful in corroborating and correlating full-body systems dysfunction to individual tooth issues and oral disease processes.  The important aspect is that patients understand that the Tooth Organ Body Meridian Tooth chart is just ONE aspect of understanding the overall health and dental health of a patient, and is proxy for using advanced diagnostic methods like 3D CBCT Scans or an adjunct tool for when diagnostics reveal little about underlying oral issues.