We believe that certain appliances can benefit the patient in situations where they have sleep apnea issues, grinding or bruxing, or need structural expansions. The types of appliances we use are:
-nighttime orthotic appliance: This one is used to prevent grinding and clenching and also structurally support the bite during sleep. This appliance can also be used during the day if you have severe structural issues with bite.
-avant: This appliance is used to open the airway by protruding ones bite into a target position that will allow more oxygen flow that will prevent having apnea attacks during sleep.
-standard adult night guard: This is your standard night guard that will help with grinding and clenching.
-DNA/mRNA: This is used in cases where somebody might be in need of expansion.

Energy Meridians
Meridians of the body affect every organ and physiological system inside of us. Although energy meridians are invisible to the human eye, they can be critical in all health and disease processes. The energy meridians that trained holistic dentists are versed in, are our body’s “energy bloodstream” and are inherently connected to the same energy bloodstream as the teeth. Energy meridians are the highways that bring vitality and balance, remove energy blockages, stagnations, and imbalances, adjust metabolism and determine the speed and form of cellular change. The energy meridian flow is critical to health in both the body and the oral microbiome. Tooth meridians which are those “energy highways” that pass through both the energy systems of the tooth and all associated organ systems affect not just the mouth but ALL major systems including immune, brain, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular and the lymphatic systems. Tooth meridians become an important element of restoring health when the energy is obstructed or unregulated by elements such as root canals, corrosive metals, infections, and amalgam side effects. When the individual tooth meridian energy systems that supply other bodily organs become damaged, the blockages may result in a subtle or drastic decline in overall health and may and result in a rise of disease processes.